Infinitely Scrolling Lists with Hotwire and Zero JavaScript

18 April 2021

I recently added hotwire to my pet project snippetsafe and wanted to see if I could replace the infinite scroll functionalities for the snippet feeds without using any custom javascript at all. I'm happy to say that I succeeded and in this post I'm going to share how.

What we're going to build

As I built this for snippetsafe I'm going to use the Snippet model as an example. For the purposes of this post, a Snippet has two attributes - title, a string corresponding to the title of the snippet and body, text corresponding to the content of the snippet.

The plan is to have an initial route we can hit that will display all of our snippets, from the view rendered by this action we will use the new turbo_frame_tag to trigger a request for our snippets (in batches of 8) once the initial page has loaded, much like modern Single Page Apps. The HTML response containing our snippets will automatically be inserted onto our index page by the matching turbo_frame_tag present on the page.

At the very bottom of each response will be another turbo_frame_tag with a unique identifier that pertains to the next page of snippets that need to be loaded. We'll use the loading: :lazy option to ensure that the request for the content of this tag is only triggered once the tag itself is visible on the viewport - i.e. once you have scrolled to the bottom of the page.

The set up

We're going to need to add the hotwire-rails gem to our rails application before we can get down to business:

# terminal
bundle add hotwire-rails
bundle install
rails hotwire:install

Now we've got everything installed, let's get cracking!

Create the index action

Firstly we need to create the index route to hit:

# config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
  resources :snippets, only: :index

Then create the controller and add the index action:

# app/controllers/snippets_controller.rb
class SnippetsController < ApplicationController
  def index; end

Finally we add the corresponding view:

<%# app/views/snippets/index.html.erb %>
<%= turbo_frame_tag "snippets_1", src: shared_snippets_path(page: 1) %>

The first two code blocks above are standard rails but it's in the view template where the magic is happening. The turbo_frame_tag is being given a unique id of snippets_1 (which is essentially saying "first page of snippets"), this means that if Turbo receives any matching <turbo-frame> in a response from the server it will swap out the content of the tag we have defined on the index page with the content of the tag it receives in the response.

The one final piece in the puzzle is the src: shared_snippets_path(page: 1). We'll define the path shortly, but the important point to note here is that if you provide a src attribute to a <turbo-frame>, Turbo will automatically make a request to the src value when the page is loaded. This means that as soon as our index page is loaded a request is made to shared_snippets_path(page: 1) and the response from that endpoint will be inserted into our index page as long as the returned <turbo-frame> id matches the one already on the page.

Define the route that will render our snippets

On snippetsafe the list of snippets is used in many different places. As a result the route to obtain them is under the shared namespace. Let's create it!

# config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
  resources :snippets, only: :index

  namespace :shared do
    resources :snippets, only: :index

Then create the corresponding namespaced controller and action:

# app/controllers/shared/snippets_controller.rb
class Shared::SnippetsController < ApplicationController
  PER_PAGE = 8.freeze

  def index
    @page = params[:page] ? params[:page].to_i : 1
    @offset = (@page - 1) * PER_PAGE
    @snippets = Snippet.offset(@offset).limit(PER_PAGE)
    @next_page = @page + 1 if @snippets.size == PER_PAGE

Finally create the HTML template for this action:

<%# app/views/shared/snippets.html.erb %>
<%= turbo_frame_tag "snippets_#{@page}" do %>
  <% @snippets.each do |snippet| %>
      <h1><%= snippet.title %></h1>
      <p><%= snippet.body %></p>
  <% end %>

  <% if @next_page %>
    <%= turbo_frame_tag "snippets_#{@next_page}", loading: :lazy, src: shared_snippets_path(page: @next_page) %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

What's happening?

As explained above, as soon as we load our index page at /snippets Turbo will automatically make a request to this newly created endpoint shared/snippets?page=1 thanks to the <turbo-frame> with the src attribute set to shared_snippets_path(page: 1). In the Shared::SnippetsController#index action we grab the "page" from the params (or set it if it isn't passed), then we calculate the snippets we want to return through a combination of the ActiveRecord offset and limit functions. We finally determine whether there are further snippets to return by checking whether there are fewer snippets returned from the database than the amount we are aiming to show per page (8 - defined by the PER_PAGE constant). If there are more snippet to show we set @per_page as @page + 1. These values are then used in the view.

In the view template, @page is interpolated into the turbo_frame_tag id so that it matches the id of the <turbo-frame> that initiated the request (for the first iteration this is always "snippets_1"). Within this <turbo-frame> we then render the HTML for each snippet retrieved fromt he database. Finally, still within the same turbo_frame_tag and only if there is another page (defined by the @next_page variable) we render another <turbo-frame> with an id of "snippets_#{@next_page}" (which will evaluate to "snippets_2" for the first iteration). Again we define the src for this frame but passing the @next_page as a param. The difference here is that we are also adding loading: :lazy which will mean that the request for this <tubo-frame> is only made once that frame is visible on the page. Once this happens the cycle starts again but with the page numbers incremented until there are no more snippets to view.

Job done

You now have the basics of an infinitely scrolling list view but there are still a few things you can do to improve it. How about adding an indicator to your <turbo-frame> tags to indicate that you're app is making a request to fetch more snippets? Anything within a <turbo-frame> tag is automatically replaced with the corresponding response, so something like this would work nicely:

<%# app/views/snippets/index.html.erb %>
<%= turbo_frame_tag "snippets_1", src: shared_snippets_path(page: 1) do %>
<% end %>

I don't want to give you to much guidance in this department as part of the fun of building things is reading the docs and tinkering to see what's possible. Just have fun with it!
