Counting with ActiveRecord - Count, Size & Length

Choosing the correct method for counting collections in Rails can be confusing. In this post we weigh up the different options ActiveRecord offers us and pick the best tool for the job.

01 May 2021

Infinitely Scrolling Lists with Hotwire and Zero JavaScript

Hotwire is the New Magic from the folks over at Basecamp. It allows you to build dynamic modern web applications without needing to write much/any javascript by utilising server rendered HTML. Here we use Hotwire to create an infinitely scrolling list.

18 April 2021

Automate your RSpec test suite with Guard

Rails logs can contain a lot of output so finding what you're looking for can be troublesome at times. Here are a few tricks for quickly finding what you need, from printing out a single line to multiple lines and their surrounding context.

09 April 2021

Searching Rails Logs with Grep

Rails logs can contain a lot of output so finding what you're looking for can be troublesome at times. Here are a few tricks for quickly finding what you need, from printing out a single line to multiple lines and their surrounding context.

04 April 2021